Health topic: Person centred Plan Primary Care

Incorporate financial strain into care plan

Incorporate into care plan

Lacey, a chronic disease nurse and Dr. Joseph, a primary care physician, listen to “Mark” and strategize about how to reverse the side effects of his poorly managed diabetes. They come to understand that financial strain is the primary issue that needed to be addressed before any other intervention would be impactful.

With a more holistic and collaborative approach, conversations shifted to what matters most to each individual and how to improve the overall financial well-being of the community. ​

[Lacey's video trailer] 

Collaborative Care planning

How do you think conversations about financial strain with your health team would change your care experience?

​Interacting with patients and community members in a sensitive, compassionate manner and working with them to address financial stress in ways that are meaningful, relevant, and sustainable is so important.

McLeod River Primary Care Netowrk in Whitecourt and AMA have shared a patient story that shows the impact of focusing on what matters to the patient. Patients stated they are feeling the primary care team truly cares and seeks what really matters to them which can not be determined by a test. They say they no longer feel their relationship with providers is adversarial where they're trying to convince them of their needs. 

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